SUKI SPIRITS offers different types of premium grade TSDA (Trade-specific-denatured-Alcohol) and Un-denatured spirit for Cosmetics, Creams, Perfumes, and other cosmetic product applications. Our products are Organic, distilled 7 times from Organic Sugarcane and Grains, and are non-GMO.

SUKI SPIRITS offers different types of premium grade TSDA (Trade-specific-denatured-Alcohol) to the Cosmetics and Fragrance Industry for manufacturing Cosmetics, Creams, Perfumes, and other cosmetic product applications. Our products are Organic, distilled 7 times from Organic Sugarcane and Grains, and are non-GMO.

We offer a list of Denaturants approved by the client's country such as Bitrex, DEP, etc. which is required to ensure the Alcohol is unfit for Human ingestion. Based on the Excise duties and regulations in the Client's country, it is a norm to add Denaturants to apply reduced excise taxes and other duties (If applicable).

We assure all Clients that All individual impurities are Less than 1 PPM and the sum of all congeners are Less than 10 PPM confirmed.